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Software Solutions for Everyone


OmniVenture Industries specializes in solving problems. Our Research and Development team is experienced in the fields of Machine Learning, 3D Printing, Microcontroller Programming, Mobile Applications, Game Development, E-Commerce, Marketing Tools, Big Data, and much, much more.

to About


Indie developers and hackers alike -- tinkerers and thinkers, players and ponderers, we are Omniventure Industries. We believe in exploring your interests. Our mission is to enhance the lives of everyone one line of a code at a time. We develop everything from business applications to mobile, big large scale to microcontrollers. When you see the big picture with how programming flows through our lives at every step, from the coding in our DNA to the coding in our smartphones, it becomes easier to dive head-first into anything and have a running start.

In the works..

A toast for everyone.

We are working diligently on our next Unity Asset: Toasty.

Toasty allows for easy, fully editor-configurable toasts at different anchor points on the viewport. Simply call Toasty.Toast("Hello World") from anywhere in code. Add handlers for on dismissal or on tap:

Toasty.Toast("Hi!").OnTapped(() => {    Debug.Log("TAPPED TO CLOSE");






Open Source


Certain projects belong to everyone -- projects that can lead to great innovation

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to Work


Glitch Shader

Shader for Unity 3D

This awesome shader makes uses of several different effects, which are each configurable in the Unity Editor. This shader is great for adding an effect that simulates an old monitor, damaged display, or bad connection. A mobile version was also released, but developers must remember: use noise generation sparingly on mobile!

Released on the Unity Asset Store in December 2017


Image Optimization


We often needed to squeeze our image assets without loss in quality, so we built this web application in .NET using ImageMagick and other custom code to provide a quick and easy way to losslessly compress images. Try it out!



Applying machine learning algorithms to generate assets -- are they considered original works? This project dives into the creation of 2D monster sprites from a sample set of over 700 96x96 pixel art Pokemon.


The generator starts with pure noise, and applies changes to each pixel based on how well that image tricks the discriminator.


The discriminator's job is to tell if the image it was given was real or fake. The harder it is for the discriminator to tell the difference, the better the generator gets as creating new art. The 700 sample images are used as examples of what are 100% real.



Recreating the popular game Stack from scratch using Unity3D and C#




Realistic models designed for a breakfast-themed game, UV mapped to custom textures, and geometry optimized for low vertex counts.


Glyph Extrusion

FontAwesomeFree 3d meshes

We wrote a custom script to extrude each and every of the over 900 glyphs in the free set for use in 3d. We added a beveled version for each (shown example). Our script optimized the mesh and normals, allowing for quick texturing. Models are in standard .FBX format.


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